Monday, September 24, 2012

The Value of Learning Poetry

What is the value of learning about poetry? Why is poetry taught in school, instead of reading from a textbook?

It is important to explore the world of poetry for many reasons.  Poetry allows for a person to express themselves in any way they want to, which a textbook can not.  Writers can express feelings, opinions, or ideas about anything that they please.  It also teaches the reader to hear and respect the opinions and feelings of the writer.  There is also the great value of poetry when reader finds a certain poem that reaches out to them. A person can truly appreciate poetry when they find "their own" poem.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

American Dream

     What is the American Dream? That's a good question.  I believe that the American Dream is different from person to person.  The typical dream would be living in a large house in the suburbs with a wife husband, 2 kids, and a dog.  Every one's dream is different though.  Some would prefer to live in the inner city while trying to start up their own business, while others want to live on their personal farm out in the country.
     The way each person's dream is has a uniqueness to them.  That's the beauty of it.  The American Dream can be altered to every person's preferences and likes.  There is no one dream.  There is only the open mind to dream and the willingness to pursue it.