Sunday, December 16, 2012

Modern Transcendentalist- Rachel Carson

            When you think of modern transcendentalists, Rachel Carson probably is not the first person that comes to mind.  But when you look at her closely, she exemplifies the traits of a transcendentalist in the work that she did over her lifetime.
            Rachel Carson’s work shows her appreciation for nature.  She was a marine biologist and conservationist who wrote the book Silent Spring, which discussed the problems of the chemical DDT and its effects on the environment.  The chemical companies fiercely opposed it in the 1950’s, but it led to the eventual ban of DDT because of its harmful effect as it spread up the food chain. 
            Carson also fit into the transcendentalist mold by being a non-conformist.  She stood up for what her research said, especially to the chemical companies that constantly ridiculed her for her ideas to ban DDT.  She also showed that she was not a conformist in her personal life.  She was the main breadwinner for her family, supporting her sisters, mother, and cousin.  This was very unusual for a woman to be the head of the household in the 1950’s.
            Rachel Carson’s intuition was vital to the field of science, especially to conservation research. Carson conducted research that was critical to the field of conservation and the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment.  Her findings, along with her book, led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  After her death, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter, the highest civilian award in the United States.          

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Great Gatsby

Throughout the novel, Jay Gatsby repeatedly stares at a green light across the bay.  Why does he do this?  What does it represent to him?

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Value of Learning Poetry

What is the value of learning about poetry? Why is poetry taught in school, instead of reading from a textbook?

It is important to explore the world of poetry for many reasons.  Poetry allows for a person to express themselves in any way they want to, which a textbook can not.  Writers can express feelings, opinions, or ideas about anything that they please.  It also teaches the reader to hear and respect the opinions and feelings of the writer.  There is also the great value of poetry when reader finds a certain poem that reaches out to them. A person can truly appreciate poetry when they find "their own" poem.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

American Dream

     What is the American Dream? That's a good question.  I believe that the American Dream is different from person to person.  The typical dream would be living in a large house in the suburbs with a wife husband, 2 kids, and a dog.  Every one's dream is different though.  Some would prefer to live in the inner city while trying to start up their own business, while others want to live on their personal farm out in the country.
     The way each person's dream is has a uniqueness to them.  That's the beauty of it.  The American Dream can be altered to every person's preferences and likes.  There is no one dream.  There is only the open mind to dream and the willingness to pursue it.