Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Great Gatsby

Throughout the novel, Jay Gatsby repeatedly stares at a green light across the bay.  Why does he do this?  What does it represent to him?


  1. Well Justice I would say that this green light across the bay represents his dreams. Maybe even his American dreams, Daisy lives there and she is so close but the bay that symbolizes Tom is in the way of them, keeping them apart. And not allowing him to achive his dream.

  2. I agree with Cole, the green light to me represents Gatsby's dreams and wishes. Gatsby loves Daisy and he stands there at night watching the green light wishing he could be with her. Gatsby's dream is only stopped by Tom, which I think could represent the bay like Cole said.

  3. Gatsby is always looking at the green light because it represents hope. He knows that Daisy is with Tom but he wishes that there is a chance for him to be with Daisy. He stares at the light hoping that one day Daisy would leave Tom and be with Gatsby. I think Gatsby has trouble getting over what he had with Daisy and I don't think it is something he will ever be able to get over completely.

  4. I believe Gatsby does this because he thinks about Daisy. Someone as rich, powerful, and great as Gatsby cannot get true love from Daisy. It must really confuse Gatsby to the point where he has to just stop and think about it (staring at the green light a lot). I think it represents that wealth and power cannot acquire true love.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The green light is on the end of Daisy's dock. I think it symbolizes something that is so close to him, and something he sees every day but cant have. Also, as Cole said, the lake or water between them could symbolize the things that are keeping them apart, like Tom.

  7. The green light that Gatsby stares at is Daisy's dock. He and Daisy had a fling a while back but then something happened and it stopped.It seems that Gatsby didn't get over Daisy so he stares over at her house longing to see her again.
